Welcome to the PSRI Seminar Survey. Overall how would you rate the Seminar?Please rate the following aspects of the seminar presentations*ExcellentGoodNeutralPoorTerribleN/aRelevance of the Seminar TopicUsefulness of Information PresentedQuality of the PresentationsAudio-visual aidsHandouts provided during the seminar Was the presentation level too detailed or too easy for you*Much too detailedSomewhat detailedJust rightSomewhat easyToo easyBased on your experience at this seminar, how likely are you to attend future seminars?*What was your favorite part of the seminar?What was your least favorite part of the seminar?Any other suggestions or comments to help us improve future seminars?Where did you travel from to attend this seminar?Please rate the quality of the presentersDr. Ted KnowltonDr. Reddy KarriIs your company currently a member company of PSRI?YesNoNot SureYour Name:Please Contact me about my Survey results!YesNoSubmitReset
Welcome to the PSRI Seminar Survey.
Please rate the quality of the presenters
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